The Geneva Centre is a think-tank created in 2013 with its headquarters in Geneva. The Centre is dedicated to the promotion of a universal, value-driven human rights system, anchored in the principles of equity, non-discrimination, inclusiveness and solidarity.
The Geneva Centre’s mandate is based on the four pillars of research and publications; training and national capacity building, with a special focus on MENA; international advocacy, mainly through following and reporting on important human rights developments and conferences, in particular the various the Human Rights Council sessions; and offering a platform for a global, inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue on current, vital human rights issues through the organization of international panels and publication of their proceedings with an incorporated think-piece on lessons learned and ways forward, for universal distribution with the aim of fostering mutual understanding, acceptance of difference, and the celebration of diversity among the different peoples and regions of the world.
The Geneva Centre was granted special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on 26 July 2017. It is an independent, non-governmental organization that does not rely on public funding, which ensures its neutrality.

I am inspired by your coming together around a shared commitment to human rights and equal citizenship.

I was inspired by the human contributions of panellists who stressed the urgency of drawing on the inspiration of time-honoured religions, creeds and value systems to enhance equal citizenship rights.

I would like to express my gratitude to the Geneva Centre for organizing this timely event and for allowing me to express my views on this important topic.

Allow me to thank you as well for all your excellent work in the past month. Much appreciated.

I thank the Geneva Center for its action in general and for the organization of this conference.

Thank you so much for putting together this great event and allowing me to be a part of it. I wish you both the best and hope we have an opportunity to work together in the future.

This is the first time we meet at the UN on the interface between religions and equal citizenship. The event is therefore unique in a way. It involves religious and lay leaders from inside and outside the UN.

Your documents have helped us, among other things, in monitoring the work and preparing our own summary documents for internal use.

The decision of ECOSOC to confer Special Consultative Status to the Geneva Centre is an acknowledgement of the effectiveness of the Centre in discharging its mission to enhance human rights, promote awareness of human rights values beyond policies and train new generations in a value-driven approach to human rights.

My colleagues and I have much appreciated and are most grateful for the excellent reports received from the Geneva Centre on the recent session of the Human Rights Council. They are indeed very helpful documents which we consult on a regular basis.

It is a real pleasure and honour to be here. I congratulate the organizers for the really incredible and successful work they have done.

Thank you so much for sharing the summary report by the Geneva Centre, as well as for your amplification with the Centre’s community and readership, and also on social media.

Thank you again for the excellent reports we received during the last Human Rights Council session, which were very useful to our annual empowerment kits for rural women leaders and for the prevention of violence against women and children.

On behalf of the UNICEF Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, I would like to thank and commend the Geneva Centre for organising this debate and putting the spotlight on enhancing access to justice for children.

This is a high-level training with high-end information, practices, guidance and deep Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law, HRC in-depth facilitation and more guidance that I really yearned for. I am indeed grateful for the opportunity to participate both for training and workshop. I appreciate everything that you facilitators placed at our disposal for our betterment. I am confident that I am a notch higher than I was. Once again, Thank you

Thank you for putting together such an informative course, I learned a lot. Congratulations to your team and faculty. I am looking forward to attending more training sessions in the future.

Thank you for today’s lecture! I’ve gained more clarity and knowledge about the differences and complementarities of the International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. Great presentation! In addition, this entire course has been informative and knowledgeable.
Geneva Centre and Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy Forge Strategic Partnership with MoU Signing
Geneva Centre and Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy Forge Strategic Partnership with MoU Signing Geneva, 17 February 2025
HRC-58 in your hands! Stay up-to-date with extensive coverage of the most pressing thematic issues thanks to a brand-new monitoring and reporting procedure on the 58th Session of the UN Human Rights Council
The 48th session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) has started on 20 January 2025, at the United Nations Office in Geneva, and will continue until 31 January 2025.